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Red Apple Awards to the Turkic World

World Turkic Forum is being organized for the third time and the Red Apple Awards will be granted to the winners.

World Turkic Forum led by TASAM is a global organization which gathers representatives from Turkic States, opinions leaders from Turkic Diasporas around the world, Think Tanks and non-governmental organizations within the frame of multi-dimensional issues and strategically contributes to the deepening of common agenda and socio-economic integration.  


In the final declaration of 2nd World Turkic Forum which took place in İstanbul on 03-05 April 2013; it has been adopted that a Turkic World Award” ceremony should be organized within the body of the Forum. In order to honor and encourage successful individuals and institutions that strengthen Turkic World’s vision and depth; it was decided that Turkic World Red Apple Awards should be given to those individuals and institutions annually beginning from 2014.

In 2014, the awards will be granted in 10 different categories such as; Red Apple “State” Award, Red Apple “Diplomacy” Award, Red Apple “Business” Awards, Red Apple “Science” Award, Red Apple “Culture” Award, Red Apple “Art” Award, Red Apple “Technology” Award, Red Apple “Strategy” Award, Red Apple “Sports” Award, Red Apple “Public Diplomacy” Award.  The awards will be granted to the winners in a Ceremony which will take place on the second day of 3rd World Turkic Forum, on 29th of May, Thursday in Edirne.

For detailed information about the awards and the ceremony please use the following link: kizilelma.dunyaturkforumu.org 

  • Turkce
  • English (United Kingdom)